Everyone is welcome to join us at our monthly meetings, the last Thursday of every month, where a brief business meeting is conducted and a special program is presented. You do not have to be a member to attend.
Meetings were held in the Frisco Heritage Museum Second Floor Theater from 7-8:30 PM
View this year’s Monthly Meeting topics.
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January 31, 2017
Southern Women, Southern Quilts – The Patterns of Their Lives.
Judy Isbell will present a fascinating look at how quilting impacted the lives of women. Ms. Isbell grew up in Frisco and is considered an expert on local history, especially in the area of historic homes. An entertaining speaker, she will use several quilts on display in the museum to illustrate her presentation.
Following are meeting dates for the remainder of 2017. Details on presentation topics and speakers will be added, as they are known.
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February 28, 2017
“Building a Foundation” – How the Heritage Center & Museum Was Built
Mike Simpson, former Frisco Mayor will be our guest speaker. His topic is “Building the Foundation” and will cover many subjects that include major growth in Frisco during his years as mayor including how most all of our current municipal buildings were built and the creation of the Heritage Center and Museum. The former Mayor will speak to how the citizens of Frisco supported these projects with approval of major bond issues and how the concept of the Heritage Center lead to what we have today. Mr. Simpson was a City Council Member from 2000-2002 and Mayor from 2002-2006.
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March 28, 2017
“I Got No Reason to Lie!”
If you think maybe John Wayne really fought in the Alamo, then come for an evening of tidbits of neglected Texas history and Catherine Fowler will fix some of those flaws in your education. She’ll take us back to the days when Texas was so wild that “not even the law of gravity was obeyed!” Get ready to explore some unsolved Texas mysteries, and hear a trove of little-known “stuff” about eerie events and curious capers in our beloved Lone Star state. Don’t miss this exciting and highly entertaining presentation by Catherine who serves as the “school marm” in the Heritage Center’s one-room schoolhouse on Third Sundays.
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April 25, 2017
The Frisco Garden Club turns 85 this year! It’s history and highlights will be presented following a brief business meeting.
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May 30, 2017
Famous Americans
Come meet Gen. George Patton, Robert E. Lee, Neil Armstrong, Amelia Earhart, Betsy Ross, and Ben Franklin. Costumed presenters from Legacy Christian Academy will give first person interpretations of famous Americans. These third graders have spent six weeks researching and preparing for their presentation. Come and support our young historians. Refreshments at 6:45.
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August 29, 2017
See an enchanting video about the old Lebanon School made in 2016 for the opening of Lebanon Trails High School in Frisco. The video chronicles school days of yore through photos, interviews with former students, and an entertaining narration by Catherine Fowler, our own Heritage Center “School Mar’m.” The village of Lebanon predated Frisco by about 50 years and was established on the Shawnee Trail. To learn more about Lebanon, purchase “Lebanon on the Preston” by Adelle Rogers Clark online or from the Heritage Museum gift shop.
We would love to meet you. You do not have to be a member to attend
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September 26, 2017
Storytelling Time
Come and be entertained by three young storytellers who bring a fun experience to our September meeting.
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October 24, 2017
“My Place in History” Genealogy Expo
Hear exciting details on the “My Place in History” Genealogy Expo scheduled Saturday November 18. Tre Colvin, Senior Librarian – Adult Services, will give an overview of this free daylong event sponsored by the Frisco Public Library and the Heritage Association. The event features special presentations from experts in our National Archives, DNA, Artifact Preservation, Freedman’s Bureau, and more. Whether you’re a professional or an amateur genealogist, or if you are simply interested in researching your family, come get the scoop on this upcoming Genealogy Expo and mark your calendars now for the November 18 event.
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November 28, 2017
The Friendship Train of 1947
In 1947, post-war America faced many issues: veterans returning to the work force, a fear of communism, women’s new roles, and civil rights. As a world leader, the United States realized European countries decimated by war and facing crop failures were in desperate need. But while Congress discussed the issues, ordinary American citizens put together one of America’s greatest humanitarian efforts, the Friendship Train of 1947. In November, Linda Baten Johnson will share some of the information she discovered concerning this little known event in America’s history.
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