THE WALTER AND THELMA MAYS HISTORIC HOME DEDICATION 7579 OAK STREET FRISCO, TX 75033 SATURDAY APRIL 22, 2023 4PM Another home in Frisco will receive a historic marker from the Heritage Association of Frisco on Saturday April 22 at 4pm when a dedication ceremony will be held at the site. The home was formerly owned by Walter Dodson “Dot” and Thelma Kerley Mays who bought the home in 1932 for $1,200. The home retains many architectural features such as wide windows, pine floors, and doors with glass knobs and brass fasteners. The Mays were respected members of the small Frisco community where they volunteered their time and talents. Mr. Mays kept dairy cows and delivered milk to Frisco residents while continuing a full time job in Dallas. He also served on the School Board and City Council. Mrs. Mays decorated and fired ceramics in an outbuilding at the home. The home remained in the Mays family for 74 years. It currently is owned by Clayton and Gabriela Jones who will host a reception and tour of the home after their historic marker is unveiled. The dedication ceremony is open to the public, and we encourage you to join us in this preservation celebration.
THE I.S. ROGERS HOUSE HISTORIC FRISCO LANDMARK DEDICATION Please join the Heritage Association of Frisco at a ceremony Saturday • October 23, 2021 • 2pm 6974 Oak Street • Frisco, Texas The first home of Frisco’s first doctor and first mayor, Dr. Isaac Stewart Rogers, was discovered this year after massive exterior renovations exposed two small horizontal windows in the home’s second story gables, a feature found in an early photograph of the home. After research by the Heritage Association confirmed the home’s historic significance to Frisco, efforts were made by the new owners to save what original features remained. These included the stair bannister, some interior doors, and shiplap boards used for accent walls. A historic marker placed by the Heritage Association will be unveiled at the home during Saturday’s ceremony. Current mayor Jeff Cheney and former mayors Mike Simpson and Maher Maso will honor Dr. Rogers who served as Frisco’s first mayor from March 27, 1908 to April 4, 1911. Homeowner Barbara Green will give tours or the 120 year old home following the ceremony.
COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT SERIES: “WOMEN’S SUFFRAGE MOVEMENT IN NORTH TEXAS” WHEN & WHERE:  Thursday, June 27, 2019, 7-8:30 pm at the Heritage Depot, 6455 Page Street, Frisco PRESENTER: Melissa Prycer is the President and Executive Director at Dallas Heritage Village. Active professionally, she has served in a variety of leadership roles for the Texas Association of Museums, the American Association for State and Local History and other museum associations. As a historian, she has published book reviews and articles, primarily on women’s history and children’s literature. LECTURE: The battle to win women’s right to vote wasn’t that long ago. As we approach the Centennial of the 19th Amendment, ratified by the Texas Legislature on June 28, 1919, it’s time to look at our own local history. What are the stories of the North Texas women who fought for the right to vote? How did their opinions change? And who should we be thanking today, every time we all go to the polls? Join Dallas Heritage Village Executive Director Melissa Prycer for a look at this story. Click HERE to see the event brochure
  VERY SPECIAL EVENT:  BOOK SIGNING BY BOB WARREN, AUTHOR & FORMER MAYOR BOOK:  NOW AND THEN, Heritage Association 20th Anniversary Edition WHEN & WHERE: Saturday, April 20, 2019, 2-4 pm at Classique Jewelers, 5995 Preston Road, Suite 100, Frisco

View the Special Events from 2018.
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