Frisco Families

The information contained here is specific to Frisco families and includes cemetery records, obituaries, and more.

If you have a question about Frisco families, or if you would like to submit information about a Frisco family, please contact us.

An excellent source of information for Frisco families is The History of Frisco 1902-1976 on the Portal to Texas History.  That publication is a compiled history of Frisco, Texas including information about its origins and founding, prominent historic persons in the community, schools, and churches, and other information about life in the city.  All the information is searchable on the website.

For additional sources, check out our publications, especially “Frisco–The First One Hundred Years.” It is the most comprehensive history of Frisco and includes 132 Frisco family histories.

Obituary Archives
1910 Frisco Federal Census

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Obituaries that have been contributed by descendants of Frisco families, and include the years 2004-current.

The archives are currently under maintenance and will be available soon.

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There are seven cemeteries in and around Frisco that are associated with Frisco families. Research on these cemeteries has been done independently and locations for some can be found on the Historic Sites map. Contact us if you have questions, photos, and/or information to share.  The Heritage Association of Frisco does not manage any of these cemeteries.

Baccus Cemetery PlaqueBaccus Cemetery

Compiled and written by Richard Beaver, Frisco, TX 2009

Five miles south of Frisco, one mile south of State Hwy. 121, and 13 miles west of State Hwy. 289. A Texas State Historical Marker stands at the gate.

Baccus was originally known as the Cook Cemetery. It was started by Henry Cook, who buried his 17- year-old son, Daniel, not far from the newly built Cook cabin with its animal skin for the front door. The date was January 13, 1847. The second burial was that of George W. Martin, son of J.B. and Martha Cook Martin. George was born on April 1, 1849, and died August 17, 1850. George’s mother was Martha Cook, eldest child of Henry Cook and his last wife, Sarah Kincaid Cook. Martha’s little son lies next to his Uncle Daniel.

In time, Henry Cook’s daughter, Rachel Baccus, acquired the land, and in 1878, she deeded it to the heirs of Henry Cook for church and cemetery purposes. In about 1915 the cemetery association changed the name to Baccus Cemetery in recognition of Rachel’s gift of the burial ground and the tract for the neighboring Baccus Christian Church, organized in 1908.

Families buried at Baccus Cemetery that are descended from Henry Cook are the Cook, Heustis, Martin, Dudley, Baccus, Miller, Bishop, and Pearson families. There are many neighboring families as well. One of the last burials is that of Libby Louise Pearson, a sixth generation descendant of Henry Cook. There are about 285 marked graves. A cemetery board is responsible for the cemetery and an endowment fund provides income for maintenance.

Bethel Cemetery

Bethel Cemetery SignJust north of intersection of Restful Lane and Sanctuary Drive off Rogers Road.

Bethel Cemetery was established in 1850 on land donated by William Rogers, who arrived from Bethel, Tennessee in 1847. The settlement was named Bethel after the Tennessee town and land was dedicated for family burials and a church. The church eventually became the First Methodist Church of Frisco in 1902.

Bethel became a popular camping place for settlers as they headed west in their covered wagons. The campgrounds served another purpose as, each year when the crops were “laid by,” many farm families took a vacation coming to camp at Bethel while attending a two-week brush arbor revival. The arbor was built in 1874 on land donated by Joseph Rogers. In 1908 the Hagood family was heading west in their covered wagon and stopped at Bethel to await the birth of a baby. Little Walter M. Hagood, Jr. died four days after his birth and the family was offered a site to bury the baby. After a few days the family prepared to continue their journey and the grieving mother was concerned that no one would ever leave flowers on the grave. Families living in the Bethel area consoled her by saying that they would take care of the grave and make sure it had flowers every year. True to their word that traditional continues today.

Management of Bethel Cemetery:  Turrentine-Jackson-Morrow Funeral Home, 800 Sanctuary Drive, Frisco, Texas, Phone (972) 335-2444

Dunaway Cemetery

Heron Dr. and Nightfall St. in Hillcrest-Lebanon Subdivision.

In about 1846-1848, it is said that Foster W. Dunaway, a single man, made his way from Warren County, Tennessee to Texas. He claims to have established the first drug store in Dallas alongside of John Neely Bryan in Dallas. On July 24, 1853, Foster Dunaway married Eucebia Navel Granberry and they moved on to make their home in Lebanon.

The cemetery includes 14 known graves of members of Foster Dunaway’s family. The first grave was Polly Dunaway, Mother of Foster Dunaway, who died in 1867. The last grave is said to be of Dora Ellen Dunaway Evans, his daughter. The Hillcrest Lebanon HOA has preserved this cemetery and surrounded it with a beautiful green area and wrought iron fence. The cemetery is located at Heron right off Nightfall.

For further reading: There are several passages about F.W. Dunaway written by Adelle Rogers Clark in her book Lebanon on the Preston available at the Museum gift shop.

The Dunaway Family Cemetery Inventory by Claudia Fields Kraemer 2007

For further information about the Dunaway family, the cemetery, and photos of headstones, please contact us.

The following is an inventory of the Dunaway Cemetery currently located in Frisco, Collin County, Texas. At the time of these interments, the area was known as Lebanon:
F. W. Dunaway November 7, 1823–January 15, 1917
E. N. Dunaway September 28, 1835 –July 6, 1874 (Inscription is on the opposite side of F. W. Dunaway stone: Wife of F. W. Dunaway)
George N. Dunaway January 13 ,1867–October 15,1905; Woodman of the World. (Also includes a foot stone marked G.N.D.)
Dora E. Evans 1854-1923 (*Texas State Death Index states : 1922 as does her obit in the McKinney newspaper)
Polly Dunaway June 30, 1789–November 6, 1867 (On the same stone with Samuel and includes a single marker with initials P.D.)
Samuel Dunaway May 9, 1792–Lived 88 yrs. (on the same stone with Polly and includes a single marker with initials S.D.)

Other interments include single given-named stones about the size of a small child’s shoebox placed in a line with the exception of “infant” and “Eucebia.” There are no surnames or dates:
Mary E.
John W. (John W. Dunaway is listed in the “Galveston News” as drowning while bathing in the Trinity, aged 21. Friday, May 24, 1878.)
Mother (possible suggestion that this is the footstone of Eucebia the Mother as it lines up in placement of her stone)

*Note: The daughter of Foster W. Dunaway, Eucebia J. Crume/Crumes is buried at Greenwood Cemetery, Dallas, Dallas, County, Texas. Below is a stone that marks the name Eucebia. Eucebia J. Dunaway Crume/Crumes was moved to the spot she is at now in Greenwood. It is not clear from where she was moved from; however, Greenwood lists two records for her. Her son was tragically murdered and it was said that she wished to always be near him. It appears he is buried at Greenwood.

US Federal Census Records for Kentucky and Texas 1850-1930
Joy Gough, Local researcher (approximately 1976)
Dunaway Cemetery tombstone photos (2007)(2014) Tom Kraemer, photographer
“Lebanon on the Preston” by Adelle Rogers Clark
Will of F. W. Dunaway
Newspaper collection of Obituaries
Texas Death Certificates
Abstract Land Record of F W Dunaway to Noel Smith
Land Documents provided by Susie King, granddaughter of Noel Smith

Charles Lewis Smith Cemetery

On private land about 1½ miles south of US 380 on the Collin/Denton County line.

This family cemetery is inaccessible without permission from the current landowners. There is no road to the cemetery, and genealogists have not visited it for several years. The cemetery is surrounded by a wire fence, but the number of graves it contains is unknown at this time. One gravesite is for ten-year-old Callie Smith, daughter of D. L. and M. B. Smith, born June, 3, 1867 and died Aug. 27, 1877. The inscription reads: Ere sin could blight or sorrow fade, Death came with friendly care, The opening bud to Heaven conveyed, And bade it blossom There.

John Landrum Cemetery

Landrum CemeteryCemetery is on private land on the Collin/Denton County line

From Denton, Texas take US 380 East to Collin County Line. Go back West 0.475 miles and look due south. On top of a hill you can see a small area of trees. The trees are inside a fenced area that is the cemetery. There are no public roads to this cemetery, and it is located on private property. Burials include:

Landrum, John D; b. Sep 2, 1860; d. Jun 18, 1882
Landrum, John Thomas; b. Feb 17, 1823; d. Jan 20, 1890
Landrum, Julia Ann C.; w/o J.T. Landrum; b. Dec 29, 1823; d. Sep 12, 1880
Landrum, William H.; son of John Thomas and Julia Ann Smith; b. May 24, 1856; d. Oct 16, 1856

Little Elm Cemetery

Little Elm Cemetery GateEnd of King Road between Little Elm and Frisco.

The Little Elm Cemetery was established on a one-acre plot donated by Joel Clark in the 1800’s. Located near Cottonwood Creek, the first burial was said to have been O. S. Griggs in 1870. Mrs. William Robertson organized volunteers in 1903 to take care of the cemetery grounds. The cemetery is the final resting place for many people who were prominent in the history of Frisco and Little Elm. Many of Frisco’s early doctors and Frisco’s first mayor, Dr. I. S. Rogers are buried here.

Little Elm Cemetery Marker

As the years passed, the demand for water to serve the Dallas area became an issue. Numerous acres of land in Little Elm were used by the government to construct the Garza-Little Elm reservoir which resulted in 800 graves being moved to higher ground. Various cemeteries and burial grounds that had once been located in the valleys of Little Elm were then moved to the Little Elm Cemetery including the Sublette, Grace-Smith, King, Harper, McCurley, Ball, Mexican, Erwin, and Dudley family cemeteries.

Management: Little Elm Cemetery Association, P.O. Box 484, Little Elm, Texas 75068, Phone (813) 586-9207


Zion Cemetery

Zion Cemetery MarkerFM 423 approximately 1 mile north of Eldorado Parkway

In the mid 1800s, the promise of free land brought a group of mostly Kentucky settlers to this particular area and it became known as Hawkins Settlement or sometimes known as the Zion community. These Methodist families such as the Hawkins, Button, and Bates set their roots down on this land. The Zion Cemetery was established on land owned by the Hawkins family. The oldest grave is that of an infant in 1856. It seemed that many neighbors began to use the cemetery for their children who had difficult times surviving the harsh conditions. As years passed, in 1860 older family members were buried a top the expansive hill that overlooked the county. Legend claims there are slaves buried in a special section of the cemetery with no markers. Sorrowfully, it doesn’t appear that remaining descendants recall where that area of the cemetery was located.

Zion Cemetery CedarIn later years, Annie Young Hughey made a donation for the upkeep of the plots and the Mary Button Young Memorial Chapel building that was located at the top of the hill in the cemetery. Mrs. Hughey named it for her mother, but by 1990, the building was no longer standing. As of 2009 there were approximately 259 burials there. Springtime visitors get a spectacular treat as the Zion Cemetery hill is usually covered with Texas bluebonnets.

Management: Zion Cemetery Association (Benny Noles), 13885 Noles Road, Aubrey, Texas 76227.

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The Federal Census of 1910 was Frisco’s first official census as the town was founded in 1902. The data from the original census document has been extracted into the chart below. Frisco is one of 112 Texas towns to be located in two or more counties, Collin and Denton. There were 82 families living in Frisco in 1910.

Last Name First Name Est. Birth Year Birthplace Comments
Allen Appie 1846 Kentucky I think you will find that this is Mrs. Abbie Allen, for Abdella Slaughter Mayes Allen 13 Apr 1846 – 26 Sep 1922—she was the wife of William H. Allen 1834-1908.
Baccus Allen 1857 Texas This should read Dow Baccus
Barnett Perry 1870 Missouri Perry Barnett becomes the husband (4 November 1900, Denton County, Texas) of Tommie Sublette, daughter of Thomas H. and Mary Sublette in 1920 they are in Hall County, Texas
Batts (sic) William 1848 Georgia Appears to be William H. and Eugenia KNIGHTON Butts (“History of Frisco 1902-1976,” page 78)
Benedict Edward 1865 Kentucky
Boyd Charlie A 1871 Tennessee
Bristow James P 1882 Mississippi
Bristow Walter 1879 Kentucky
Brooks William T 1850 Virginia
Brunner John L 1839 On the 1910 census, John Brunner lists his birth location as “At Sea”, and the birth locations of his mother and father as “Unknown”.
Burke Lindsey 1857 Missouri
Burkes Mary 1876 Tennessee
Campbell Thomas J 1849 Kentucky
Chambers Milton 1883 Texas
Chappell Emory 1843 Missouri Emory C. Chappell married Dora Smith daughter of Alfred and Elizabeth Smith; most of the CHAPPELL line is buried at Little Elm Cemetery, Denton, Texas
Clarke Ida 1859 Missouri
Clarke (sic) Matthew 1834 Tennessee  Clark
Cole Otto 1890 Texas
Crowder Richard D 1875 Tennessee
Curley William 1890 Texas  perhaps Kerley
Davis Mattie L 1876 Texas
Davison Dou A 1871 Texas
Douglas Robert L 1855 Alabama
Dourghty John J 1859 Michigan
Duncan Lawrence 1881 Texas
Duncan Thomas 1853 Kentucky
Edwards Joe 1870 Texas
Eller George T 1856 Kentucky
Epply (sic) Martin 1871 Arkansas Epley
Farmer Joseph S 1883 Tennessee
Farmer Reman 1881 Tennessee
Graves John 1874 Ohio
Griffin John P 1855 Georgia
Gudgleige (sic) Jeff D 1864 South Carolina Gulledge
Gullebge (sic) Lee 1866 North Carolina Gulledge
Hall James M 1861 Kentucky
Hamilton Margaret 1827 Tennessee
Hamilton William 1871 Tennessee
Hare Bob 1893 Georgia
Herod Catherine 1889 Texas
Hill John H 1852 Tennessee John H. Hill married Alice Stoddard daughter of Zerah and Elizabeth Stoddard
Hill Kelly 1888 Tennessee
Hill William L 1884 Texas
Jackson Ed 1866 Texas
Johnson Robert 1849 Texas
Kelsy George 1870 Kentucky
Linsey Lou 1886 Texas
Mcconnel Harry L 1881 Texas
Mcconnel Owen H 1876 Texas
Mcfall John W 1869 Texas
Mcintire (sic) Fred E 1880 Illinois McIntire
Mckinney (sic) Charles 1867 Texas McKinney
Miller Sam W 1847 Mississippi
Mitchell Will 1861 Missouri
Monroe Beatrice 1887 Texas
Parks Frank 1890 Tennessee
Peters Earnest B 1889 Texas
Rippley Richard 1872 Kentucky
Robertson William 1867 Texas
Rodgers (sic) Isaac S 1862 Texas  Dr. Isaac Stewart Rogers
Rodgers John 1879 Texas
Rodgers Tom 1880 California
Rowe Theodore A 1869 Illinois
Rudolph Clarence 1886 Texas
Rudolph Katie 1868 Texas
Sapp George 1869 North Carolina
Selman Linnie 1894 Texas
Shrader Fount P 1871 Arkansas
Smith William M 1878 Texas
Smorerrvill (sic) Nemo (sic) 1850 Missouri This should read Mary Sommerwill. She was married to H. Y. Sommerwill. Her first husband was Thomas Sublette.
Staly (sic) William B 1839 North Carolina Staley
Tarpley Sterling 1880 Texas
Trout Jessie P 1879 Texas
Waggner (sic) William J 1871 Tennessee Wagoner aka Waggoner
Watson Felix 1883 Texas
Webb William H 1857 Tennessee
Wells William 1857 Texas
White John B 1867 Texas
Wilson Tuck 1879 Kentucky
Wolf Will G 1867 Tennessee
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