6858 Oak Street
Dr. Ogle started his medical practice in 1901 in the community of Erudia about 3 miles northwest of what was to become Frisco. While attending medical school in Ft. Worth he married Clara Maynard in 1896. He came with his family to Texas in 1882 from Tennessee traveling by train to a farm northeast of Garland. His early mode of transportation was by horseback and he always kept 3 horses so that he would have a fresh horse to depend on when accident or illness struck his patients. When the railroad came to Frisco in 1902, Dr. Ogle and postmaster Thomas Duncan began investigating the move of the Erudia Post Office to a location closer to the rail line. This required measurement of the distance to the actual railroad and they improvised a system of hitching a horse to a spoke of a wheel so they could count the revolutions and thereby determine the distance. Dr. Ogle and his family moved to Frisco in 1902, but in 1912 they built this home designed by the doctor utilizing lumber salvaged from the old Howard School that was on the corner of North County and Maple. Dr. Ogle was a Frisco mayor and served on the School Board and is the namesake of Ogle Elementary.