As Linda Sutton and Bob Warren have mentioned, the Frisco Heritage Association had its birth following a board meeting of Frisco Style Magazine. The three of us were concerned that as the town was developing so very rapidly we were losing the small town community feel of Frisco. Having worked at The Frisco Enterprise newspaper, I realized that precious old photos were leaving town as the older generation died and their wonderful old photos went out of town with their next of kin. Soon there would be no record left to remember the way life had been during the first one hundred years of Frisco’s existence.

After the formation of the Heritage Association, it was my passion to collect and preserve as many old photos as possible. People were eager to send copies of their wonderful photos for our archives. A special thanks goes to Elisabeth Pink who for decades had carefully kept historical photos from the 1976 Bicentennial Book at the old Post Office Museum in McKinney. She graciously shared these photos with the new Heritage Association. Soon we had an outstanding collection that I sorted into categories and kept in boxes at my home.

In September 1998, my husband John was diagnosed with cancer and we left town for his treatment in Houston at MD Anderson. I remember notifying Fire Chief Mack Borchardt, that in case of fire, the entire photographic history of Frisco was in the front bedroom of my home! Soon afterwards, Bob Warren secured a grant from Exxon for the purchase of a fireproof file cabinet and the photos were placed in those at our office space, which had been generously provided by the City of Frisco.

When work began on the book, Frisco: The First One Hundred Years. I met with the writer, Steve Quinn, on many Saturdays to decide which photos could best be used to illustrate the chapters he was working on. It was truly a labor of love and we are all very proud of that book.

The photos have been used in many ways besides going into our various publications. They have appeared on Heritage Association calendars, and have been used in a historic quilt made by the Frisco Quilting Guild. It now hangs in our museum. The Depot Cafe and Scotty P’s Hamburgers were among the first to request use of our photos to give their restaurants a unique decor. Since then, many other Frisco businesses have used copies of our photos in their businesses.

Our historic photos illuminate the life and times of Frisco in its early days. They are a priceless record.